Social Media Tips for Getting that Nanny Job…and Keeping it!

Most employers today – including household employers – use social media as a form of background checking and screening of job applicants and current employees. Nannies and other domestic workers who post things on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sites may be exposing certain aspects of their personal lives to potential and current employers. Therefore, it’s important to be aware that anything nannies post online may not remain private. And while they may feel that they are keeping their personal and professional lives separate, many employers will not draw that distinction, especially when the applicant will be working in the family’s home with children.

Please see our guidelines below on social media tips that nannies should follow for getting and keeping a job.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Getting the Job

  • Check privacy settings on Facebook –only allow “Friends” to see what you post and anything in which you are “tagged.” Be aware that privacy settings change from time to time, so you should periodically check to make sure yours are set appropriately.
  • Anything you post on Twitter may be seen by the public, including prospective employers – even if they are not following you!
  • Potential employers may look at your grammar and use of language.
  • Most employers will check for posts containing vulgar language, nudity or sexual pictures, and slander (such as bashing a previous employer).
  • Social media sites allow employers to see a glimpse of you beyond what is on your resume or profile.
  • You might wish to take down anything that could be viewed as unprofessional or offensive.
  • Post photos that present you in a professional light – for example, a potential employer that sees photos of you consuming alcohol, drugs, or other objectionable behaviors may decide not to hire you.
  • An agency can only do so much in regards to assisting you in getting the job you want. You have to also be diligent in your efforts to make sure you are presenting yourself professionally to employers.

You Got the Job – Now Keep it!

  • Do not post any photos of the children or other family members you work with, unless you have permission from the parents to do so.
  • Discuss with your employer about social media policies and what they expect of you as a nanny.
  • Do not discuss or divulge any information online or in person about the family you work for. Respect their privacy!
  • When you are with the children, do not “check-in” at any certain place. This will allow others to know your location.
  • Is it a good idea to “Friend” your employer? Unless you have a previous relationship with the family, the experts say no. Plus if the employer can see what time you’re posting things, they might wonder why you’re spending time online instead of watching the kids!

All aspects of social media and a nanny’s employment should be discussed in detail between the family and the nanny, and then the rules agreed upon should be written down and have a signed approval. This will hopefully prevent any social media problems throughout the employment relationship.

For more information about this and other ways GTM helps families and nannies maintain a quality relationship, please contact us at (888) 432-7972.

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