SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference


What is going on in this market? How is it affecting the nanny industry? It feels very much as though we are on a roller coaster ride. And not in a very fun way. Are we going up? Are we staying down? Whoa, what was that whiplash I just felt? 2022 was a much better...
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Nanny agencies with temporary divisions play a crucial role in connecting families with qualified caregivers who can meet their specific short-term needs. When it comes to hiring, agencies have the option of utilizing independent contractors or W-2 employees. Both types of workers have benefits and drawbacks, and it’s essential to understand them to determine which...
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The Nanny Doctor asks: “Why do Families Behave that Way??” They are scared and or desperate They need help But they’re scared! Other invisible factors As an agency owner, you may find yourself asking, “Why is this family behaving this way?? We are just trying to help them!” This is a valid question. Many times...
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APNA is celebrating our 30th Anniversary! Throughout the year we will be introducing you to our amazing members. Get to know Greta Schraer, CincyNanny How long have you owned the business? 6.5 years How long have you been an APNA Member? 2020, 2 years What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a business owner...
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Adding new roles to your team can be an exciting step for your business, but it’s important to consider a few key factors before making any decisions. In this blog, we’ll discuss the things you should consider when adding new roles to your team. Business needs: The first thing you should consider when adding new...
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Company culture is a critical component of any organization’s success. It refers to the shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that shape the way employees interact with each other and with external stakeholders. A strong company culture can lead to improved employee engagement, increased productivity, and higher customer satisfaction. In this blog post, we will...
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From our experience working with hundreds of childcare agencies, we’ve seen that agencies usually lose the most time on four activities: Creating Candidate Profiles You should not be chasing applicants for lousy resumes or creating portfolios for them in Canva. The reality is that most caregivers are not the best at Microsoft Word, so many...
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While nannies fall under the umbrella of childcare providers, their role, workplace, and responsibilities are certainly unique. Childcare trainings designed for daycare workers, center-based providers, and early childhood educators certainly cover content that nannies can apply to their work but does not always take into consideration the special challenges, circumstances, and situations that nannies regularly...
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September is a time of grateful reflection for me, personally. We’re through the craziness of the back-to-school months and nearing the end of another year. This year, more than ever, I’m focused on making the most of the opportunities the year has presented and to be grateful for the life I’m living. I’m holding on...
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I’ll be honest, I do not like the sound of this one bit.  Mostly because I have never really considered myself to be a patient person. I grew up in the era when given the choice to get up off the floor or couch, walk to the T.V. set, evaluate my options by turning the channel,...
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