Having clear policies and procedures around the things you do in your agency is something most of you already have in place. It is second nature to most business people if they have been around for any length of time, and often something recommended by business coaches before you even launch a business. As you...Read More
“The only way to beat the competition is to stop trying to beat the competition.” Chan Kim There I was, minding my own business. I had just walked outside to grab the mail and there it was, sitting right inside my very own mailbox! A shiny, very colorful mailer announcing a great new babysitting...Read More
In our industry, the best agencies go the extra mile and aim to exceed their clients (and their candidates) expectations from the first call to the last. We want all of our clients to be happy. We want them to love their new employee, rave about our service, and ideally, refer us to their friends...Read More
If you find yourself in a meeting with me, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll hear me talk about core values before we wrap everything up. That’s because I constantly refer back to the core values of my business, which happen to mirror my personal values, when dealing with conflict and making important business decisions...Read More
There’s nothing like spring to lift our spirits. I have never been so grateful to see jonquils and daffodils and all other harbingers of the season appear. I know we are so ready to move on from this past year. As some physicians have noted, we are now operating between hope and caution. Very hopeful...Read More
Whenever I use the term “standard operating procedures,” I usually get one of two responses – either “what the heck or those” or “groan, I really need to do those… someday.” Let’s address both. Standard operating procedures are step by step instructions compiled by an organization that help the team members carry out routine tasks....Read More
Why your Website is Costing you Clients – Thursday, March 25, 12pm PST | 3pm EST Participants can expect to walk away with a better understanding to making a great first impression for their audience on their “first date” with your website: Your paid marketing efforts are the invitations to your “website party.” Are you...Read More
Customer service, bookkeeping, graphic design–growing and running your business means wearing many hats. But juggling these tasks can often be too much for one person to handle. If you’re feeling burnt out or generally overwhelmed, it might be time to hire a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants, or VAs, work from anywhere in the world and...Read More
Greetings! Light snow is coming down in the DC area and there is very little movement outside. This winter scene is playing out all over the country (even in the South). Inside our respective offices, however, every member of the Board has been very busy with ongoing projects designed for you, our APNA community. But...Read More
You know that paying household employees “on the books” is always the right and smart thing to do. The benefits for families far outweigh any perceived financial savings from avoiding taxes and other obligations. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought all of this into crystal-clear focus, and the following examples will help you discuss with...Read More