SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
What a whirlwind the last few months have been! With a successful in-person conference and virtual conference behind us, I’ve finally had a few moments to regroup and reflect on the last year before the hustle and bustle of the holidays is upon us. As I do so, I feel a mix of emotions, but more than anything, I feel thankful.
Our community has always been a strong one, but over the last year and a half I’ve been particularly impressed by the way we’ve come together. Thank you to those who participated in our webinars, attended our conferences, engaged in our Masterminds, and supported our organization as a whole. I’m grateful for each and every one of you for sharing your successes, your struggles, your expertise, your time and your voice with APNA. Doing so, openly, honestly, and many times with vulnerability, has made the ups and downs of this crazy time more bearable for me, and I hope for you too. We are truly better together.
As we wrap up this year, I’m also happy to report that the APNA board is actively working on new programs, initiatives and resources for the upcoming year, and we look forward to welcoming many more to the APNA community in 2022! It’s with a grateful heart that I send you into the holiday season. Be well and take a moment to reflect on all that you’ve accomplished and even overcome in 2021, and set your sights on a successful 2022.
Jami Dennis
APNA President

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