SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
2024 APNA Virtual Summit

Speakers & Schedule

Eugenia Siero

District Sitter

Welcome to “Conversations that Convert: Mastering the Art of the Sales Call” – an immersive workshop that unravels the secrets behind turning ordinary conversations into powerful catalysts for conversion. In this dynamic panel discussion, we bring together three leading placement agency owners to explore the intricacies of sales calls and unveil the strategies that transform dialogue into a driver of success. 

From the initial “hello” to the closing pitch, this workshop will delve into the psychology of effective communication, shedding light on the artistry involved in every successful sales call. Learn how to navigate objections seamlessly, build rapport effortlessly, and tailor your message for maximum impact. Our panelists will dissect real-life examples, sharing triumphs and challenges, offering you a rich tapestry of actionable insights.


Hailing from Venezuela, Eugenia Siero ventured to New Orleans in 2007, driven by a fervent quest to master the English language. Securing a full scholarship, she pursued a bachelor’s degree in film, theatre, and communications at the University of New Orleans, later adding an MBA from the same institution. During her MBA, Eugenia’s path intersected with professional nannying through a local agency, sparking her passion for connecting with families and children. Relocating to Washington DC in 2015 for a theatrical career, Eugenia embraced a part-time nanny role while sensing a rising demand for caregivers in the DMV area. Motivated by her parents’ entrepreneurial spirit, she founded District Sitter in 2017 to meet the growing need for reliable childcare in high-profile households. Beyond an agency, District Sitter embodies Eugenia’s vision of a compassionate, inclusive community of childcare professionals with unwavering standards. As the agency owner, Eugenia aspires to establish District Sitter as a symbol of love and reliability, offering a steadfast support system for both parents and children in the realm of childcare.


Kellie Geres, APNA Executive Assistant