SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference


What’s new? I’ve eaten outside at restaurants for the first time in 14 months. Oh, wait, not what you wanted to know. You wanted APNA news. Here’s what is happening: Conference 2021, Up Next, is happening and is sold out! Pent-up demand to be together has resulted in the quickest registrations ever. Sponsorships-snapped up. No...
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If you’re like many staffing leaders, you’re probably planning your end of year leadership team meeting.  You know, the one where everyone sits around a conference room table and you do a presentation on the hits and misses of the year then unveil next year’s budget and watch the faces fall? Then you have lunch...
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APNA has prepared this handy COVID-19 Risk Tolerance Scale you can use in your office and share with parents and nannies. Download Your Complimentary Copy here.  
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Throughout the pandemic, the nanny community has voiced concerns about payment, unemployment, going into work, and more. We’ve gathered answers to a few common questions we’ve seen emerge since lock-downs began in various cities and states. While the information provided here is general, an APNA agency in your area can help with more city or...
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