APNA Membership


September is a time of grateful reflection for me, personally. We’re through the craziness of the back-to-school months and nearing the end of another year. This year, more than ever, I’m focused on making the most of the opportunities the year has presented and to be grateful for the life I’m living. I’m holding on...
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Summer is here and it is a time when many of us travel with friends and family. When you go on vacation, do you find yourself still working and having difficulty truly unplugging during that time away? When owning a small business, it can feel incredibly difficult to truly take time off. You might not...
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I’ll be honest, I do not like the sound of this one bit.  Mostly because I have never really considered myself to be a patient person. I grew up in the era when given the choice to get up off the floor or couch, walk to the T.V. set, evaluate my options by turning the channel,...
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Hello and happy (almost) summer, friends. It’s been a crazy few weeks for APNA and I’m eager to share with you everything that’s been going on. Let’s jump right into it and talk about the 2022 APNA Conference in San Diego. We are thrilled to welcome a full house at our 29th annual conference in...
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Investing in education has always been wise advice. That idea also applies to agencies and the nannies they represent. It’s also a win for clients as their families are the beneficiaries of the knowledge nannies gain from added lectures, certifications, and coursework related to children.  The agencies that set themselves apart are those that provide...
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Wow, these last few months have flown by! I can’t believe it’s almost May… Several times in the last few weeks I’ve been so busy I’ve literally forgotten what month it is (#truth). But unlike previous years, where I might have felt overwhelmed and frustrated by my ever-growing task list, this year I feel nothing...
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You have most likely heard some pretty juicy gossip surrounding the acronym MLM, which stands for “Multilevel Marketing”— heck, you probably have been pitched to join one with a “Hey girl, how have you been? I just started a new business…*que fill in the blank*” DM on Instagram from a girl you had one conversation...
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Last month I declared “Joy” as my personal word this year. I’m seeing joy in many places, including during a recent trip to the Rancho Bernardo, in sunny San Diego, where the APNA Board met for its mid-year meeting. After spending focused time digging deep into big thoughts and big ideas for our association and...
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During the latest podcast from The Small Business Radio Show, the host, Barry Moltz, interviewed Boston-based consultant Roberta Matuson, a workplace strategist. She talks about businesses needing to become concierge recruiters to attract the best talent, “you have to be the one to shepherd this talent into your organization”.  In this 20-minute interview, Ms. Matuson explores...
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This is a question that nanny agencies ask me a lot. [Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer and Imperative/PFC isn’t a law firm. This is just my practical advice based on 25 years’ experience in the background screening business. If your lawyer disagrees with me, you can always go find another lawyer. ] The TL;DR Version  I...
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