SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
Small Business


From our experience working with hundreds of childcare agencies, we’ve seen that agencies usually lose the most time on four activities: Creating Candidate Profiles You should not be chasing applicants for lousy resumes or creating portfolios for them in Canva. The reality is that most caregivers are not the best at Microsoft Word, so many...
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As we enter 2023, APNA will be celebrating our 30th Anniversary! Throughout the year we will be introducing you to our amazing members. Get to know Erika Slade with E-Nanny. What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned as an agency owner? Be authentically you. Lead with purpose. Demonstrate integrity. Connect with kindness. What is your...
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As we enter 2023, APNA will be celebrating our 30th Anniversary! Throughout the year we will be introducing you to our amazing members. Get to know Michelle LaRowe with Morningside Nannies. Along with Ken Meyers, Morningside Nannies was purchased 10 years ago. What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned as an agency owner? Not every...
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Hello and Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday break and were able to find a bit of time to relax, recharge and reflect on another year. I’d like to take this opportunity with you all to pause, amidst the hustle and bustle that’s January, to examine and assess all APNA...
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September is a time of grateful reflection for me, personally. We’re through the craziness of the back-to-school months and nearing the end of another year. This year, more than ever, I’m focused on making the most of the opportunities the year has presented and to be grateful for the life I’m living. I’m holding on...
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Summer is here and it is a time when many of us travel with friends and family. When you go on vacation, do you find yourself still working and having difficulty truly unplugging during that time away? When owning a small business, it can feel incredibly difficult to truly take time off. You might not...
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APNA is committed to creating a more inclusive and diverse community of household staffing business owners. While our goal has always been, and will continue to be, to support all small business owners within our industry and provide access to the tools required to achieve longevity and profitability, we must acknowledge one important fact: it...
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I’ll be honest, I do not like the sound of this one bit.  Mostly because I have never really considered myself to be a patient person. I grew up in the era when given the choice to get up off the floor or couch, walk to the T.V. set, evaluate my options by turning the channel,...
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Hello and happy (almost) summer, friends. It’s been a crazy few weeks for APNA and I’m eager to share with you everything that’s been going on. Let’s jump right into it and talk about the 2022 APNA Conference in San Diego. We are thrilled to welcome a full house at our 29th annual conference in...
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Investing in education has always been wise advice. That idea also applies to agencies and the nannies they represent. It’s also a win for clients as their families are the beneficiaries of the knowledge nannies gain from added lectures, certifications, and coursework related to children.  The agencies that set themselves apart are those that provide...
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