SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
2023 APNA Virtual Conference

Speakers & Schedule

Austin Macfarlane

My Girl Friday

Building an Effective Office Team: What Works and What Doesn’t


Why do some agencies thrive while others struggle? While there are many factors that contribute to an agency’s success, hiring the right people and building the right team is one we can all agree on. Building a successful team is about more than creating a mix of people with various professional skills. The right team will allow a business to grow, scale and thrive in a way that would be impossible for one person to do. Join us as we learn from leading agency owners and staff on how they have built and managed successful admin teams.



Austin Macfarlane is a passionate, dedicated entrepreneur who truly enjoys the projects she works on. She’s the founder of My Girl Friday in the Triangle area of North Carolina and helped launch Tribucha, a functional beverage company out of Cary, North Carolina. In 2022, Austin co-launched Clarity Strategic Investments— a group that focuses on investing and advising early stage startups with high growth potential. The group primarily invests in technology and software businesses. She enjoys working with her Nanny Relief Fund team and is on the Executive Board of the International Nanny Association. She is an adventurous soul who loves hiking, throwing balls for her dogs (Arlo and Tuna Mae), hosting friends and family, traveling, exploring thrift stores for hours upon hours, and checking out new restaurants. She has quite a green thumb and loves to garden and love on her many houseplants.


Kellie Geres, APNA Executive Assistant