Now more than ever before, having a great nanny database is a HUGE advantage for your business. Building a loyal following can be tough and takes time, which is one thing you never have enough of. But there are a few ways you can consistently demonstrate to the local nanny community that you support them...Read More
Last month I declared “Joy” as my personal word this year. I’m seeing joy in many places, including during a recent trip to the Rancho Bernardo, in sunny San Diego, where the APNA Board met for its mid-year meeting. After spending focused time digging deep into big thoughts and big ideas for our association and...Read More
During the latest podcast from The Small Business Radio Show, the host, Barry Moltz, interviewed Boston-based consultant Roberta Matuson, a workplace strategist. She talks about businesses needing to become concierge recruiters to attract the best talent, “you have to be the one to shepherd this talent into your organization”. In this 20-minute interview, Ms. Matuson explores...Read More
This is a question that nanny agencies ask me a lot. [Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer and Imperative/PFC isn’t a law firm. This is just my practical advice based on 25 years’ experience in the background screening business. If your lawyer disagrees with me, you can always go find another lawyer. ] The TL;DR Version I...Read More
It’s truly an honor for our team to be part of the APNA community, we have had the unique pleasure and privilege to provide our software platform to more than 100 of you and your agencies, and we have learned so much from each and every one of you as our incredible friends, mentors and...Read More
Now more than ever before, having a great nanny database is a HUGE advantage for your business. Building a loyal following can be tough and takes time, which is one thing you never have enough of. But there are a few ways you can consistently demonstrate to the local nanny community that you support them...Read More
What a whirlwind the last few months have been! With a successful in-person conference and virtual conference behind us, I’ve finally had a few moments to regroup and reflect on the last year before the hustle and bustle of the holidays is upon us. As I do so, I feel a mix of emotions, but...Read More
Having clear policies and procedures around the things you do in your agency is something most of you already have in place. It is second nature to most business people if they have been around for any length of time, and often something recommended by business coaches before you even launch a business. As you...Read More
In our industry, the best agencies go the extra mile and aim to exceed their clients (and their candidates) expectations from the first call to the last. We want all of our clients to be happy. We want them to love their new employee, rave about our service, and ideally, refer us to their friends...Read More
What’s new? I’ve eaten outside at restaurants for the first time in 14 months. Oh, wait, not what you wanted to know. You wanted APNA news. Here’s what is happening: Conference 2021, Up Next, is happening and is sold out! Pent-up demand to be together has resulted in the quickest registrations ever. Sponsorships-snapped up. No...Read More