SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
November is a favorite month in many households. I know it is in mine. While it’s dark way too early these days, the promise of a large gathering of extended family and friends for a sumptuous Thanksgiving feast is a time to anticipate and treasure—most years. Oh, COVID, how you have changed our lives! The warnings are out. The strong recommendation coming from the medical community is not to travel for this holiday. Virus transmission is at all-time highs. No one wants to get beloved family members or friends sick. It is so hard for all of us to give up our favorite traditions, but if ever there was a time to limit exposure, this is the year.
Speaking of traditions, November is also a quieter time in the nanny agency world as most nannies aren’t leaving jobs between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It can be a good time to catch up on all the to do’s that were left aside during the busier months.
The Board is continuing to work on its diversity initiatives, future webinars, and vetting new membership applications.
Please stay well—and close to home! Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Your Pandemic President
Barbara Kline

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