SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
2024 APNA Annual Conference

Speakers & Schedule

Katie Provinziano

Westside Nannies

Growing and Managing Your Overseas Team: Advanced Strategies for Nanny Agency Owners

Three years ago, we explored the benefits of hiring virtual assistants (VAs) from the Philippines, emphasizing cost reduction, task efficiency, and the positive impact on the lives of overseas workers. Now, as many in our industry have successfully integrated VAs into their teams, it’s time to take the next step. In this advanced session, we will delve deeper into growing and managing your overseas team, focusing on those with a team of 3-5 VAs.
You will learn about effective management structures, understanding cultural nuances, and optimizing the strengths of your overseas team members. We’ll discuss practical strategies to enhance productivity, foster loyalty, and ensure seamless collaboration. This session aims to equip you with the tools and insights needed to scale your business while maintaining a motivated and efficient overseas workforce.


Katie Provinziano’s entrepreneurial journey in the childcare industry is a remarkable story of growth and innovation. From its humble beginnings as a side gig run out of a college dorm room, Katie’s leadership has propelled Westside Nannies into a multi-million dollar agency located in the heart of the entertainment capital of the world. As a former nanny, mother, and nanny employer, Katie’s unique and comprehensive perspective has established her as a leading authority in the field. Her innovative approach and keen insights have garnered recognition in esteemed publications such as The New York Times, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Hollywood Reporter, Fast Company, Business Insider, E! News, and Entertainment Tonight. Katie is celebrated for her pioneering spirit, redefining the operations of nanny agencies and setting new standards across the industry. Under her stewardship, Westside Nannies has not only received the prestigious APNA Innovation Award but has also been honored with the coveted APNA Agency of the Year Award, highlighting its consistent year-on-year growth and cementing its status as one of country’s leading domestic agencies. Katie’s story is a testament to her unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation in the childcare industry.


Kellie Geres, APNA Executive Assistant

See you in Oceanside!