SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
2022 APNA Conference

Speakers & Schedule

Jay Schulze

Jay Schulze

HomeWork Solutions

Becoming the Tax Expert Your Clients and Candidates Deserve

In our role as agency owners and team members it’s our responsibility to advocate for legal pay. But the ability to clearly communicate and educate our clients and candidates means that we need to be knowledgeable about the law, employer responsibilities, and available tax incentives our clients can take advantage of by legally employing. This is not an easy feat – at the end of the day we’re recruiters and matchmakers not tax experts after-all! That all changes today for those of you who join us for our mini tax class taught by Jay Schulze of Homework Solutions! In this session you will learn about best practices for speaking with clients and candidates about their tax obligations, some state by state specifics to be aware of (OT, Sleeping Time, Travel Calculations, PTO, Sick Days, etc.), and helpful advice around things like health insurance, worker’s compensation, and available tax breaks. Just imagine your next call with a clients sounds less like “um….let me get back to you on that ” and more like “absolutely, let me share with you all of the benefits of legal pay and how it can save you money!” Having this kind of knowledge is a sure fire way to set your agency apart as the knowledge industry expert you are – in the end you will gain your clients trust AND ensure your nannies are paid fair and legally. At APNA we call that a win/win!


As the proud father of two busy young kids, Jay Schulze seeks to leverage his experience in personal finance and corporate operations roles to simplify household payroll and tax filing for families. Jay started his career as a financial planner and investment consultant at Merrill Lynch, later moving to the Private Wealth Management group at UBS. He later spent four years at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), serving as a Special Advisor in the Cyber Division and in the Director’s Office. Jay has a BA in Economics from Yale University and an MBA from Georgetown University.


Kellie Geres, APNA Executive Assistant

See you in San Diego!