SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 23-25 | APNA Annual Conference
2022 APNA Conference

Speakers & Schedule

Stuart Dupuy

Mom's Best Friend
Most Common Write Offs for Business Owners (Owner Hacks & Optimizing Distributions)

Time and time again we talk to agency owners who think they’re getting ahead financially only to end up with a huge (and often unexpected) tax bill at the end of the year. All that savings that you thought you had? Yep, you’re sending it straight to Uncle Sam. But what if we told you that there are small tax and financial strategies that, when used effectively and combined collectively, can represent significant tax savings for you and your business? Got your attention? I hope so! In this session serial entrepreneur and agency owner Stuart Dupuy will shed light on little known tax and financial strategies you can begin using today to save thousands! Things like paying yourself first, employing your kids, writing off vacations, tax-free rent via the Augusta Rule, fully utilizing the home office deduction and more. The advice in this session will easily pay for your entire trip so don’t miss it!



Stuart Dupuy is an entrepreneur, successfully founding multiple businesses including Mom’s Best Friend. Additionally, Stuart was a successful Dell executive where he had a 17 year career. Prior to Dell, Stuart was an attorney practicing commercial litigation with Fulbright & Jaworski.

Stuart has a Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Texas School of Law, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Duke University, with a semester at the London School of Economics.  Stuart is married and a father of four children ages 17 through 25, and enjoys spending time outdoors with his family and friends. Stuart is a competitive mountain biker and triathlete. Stuart and his family are active members of Life Austin Church in Austin.



Kellie Geres, APNA Executive Assistant

See you in San Diego!